Defense and Space Manufacturing
20 Peachtree Ct.

BGA Test & Technology is at the forefront of retinning and reballing technologies. Our processes meet all the quality criteria per GEIA-STD-0006 and the BGA reballing standards of IEC/TS62647 required by both Military & Aerospace customers. Our innovative systems allow us to provide a cost effective, high quality, quick turn solution. We have invested in […]


If you are a Long Island or New York business looking to grow your Aerospace & Defense business, ADDAPT is the right place for you. Our membership includes the best A&D companies in the region, ranging from small sole proprietorships to large publicly traded corportations. As a member you would be part of a regional supply chain, and also part of community of businesses dedicated to delivering the best A&D goods and services in the world.

The Cradle of Aviation Museum
One Davis Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
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